Monday, October 15, 2018

Changing Sleeping Habits

Monday, I called in sick.  This is a rarity for me.  Ends up my body said, “Wayne, you need sleep.”  You see, I have this habit of going and going, waking up early, staying up late and not taking much down time.  Every so often, my body will hit the proverbial wall and cause me to become “sick” so that I take the time to let my body catch up.  Sometimes, I can see the signs of this coming, other times, like this past week, I did not.

When I was a teen – I remember sleeping a lot.  My dad used to come into my room and wake me up saying it was 2:00 in the afternoon on the weekends and that I was wasting my day.  I had nothing happening, so I was not sure what time I was wasting.  As an adult, I was not excited to see my kids sleep that late, but understood and never woke them up, unless they actually needed to be up.  This continued through college.  And, even with the sleeping, I was a big fan of the nap.  On a hot summers day, I would curl up into a ball under the A/C wall unit in my parents dining room and sleep.  Napping was good and no one knew where I was, also good!

When I was a young adult – I started to believe that time gets wasted by sleeping too much.  I also began to realize that I really did not need 8 – 12 hours of sleep.  If done correctly, I found that 5 – 6 hours of good, high quality sleep occurred, I was all set.  However, the all-important nap was still great!  At this point in my life, nap time, when it is possible, is out in the open and with no hiding necessary.

When I am an adult – I have little time to accomplish so many things.  When we first got married, I remember us having plenty of free time.  Then the girls popped into our lives.  I worked long hours and began to travel for work.  We became involved in different activities, some for the kids, some for us.   We do have some social life.  Sleep can sometimes be less than 5 – 6 hours.  The nature of napping has completely changed.  I can sleep anywhere in any position (except standing, though I have tried).  Catching 10 minutes sitting in a chair is sometimes all I can sneak in.  A full nap that is a planned event.  For example, as I am writing this, if our afternoon outside activities get rained out, I might be able to get in a nap. 

I know, the body needs to sleep, regenerate and recover from the daily activity of life.  It has become a balancing act.  My maternal grandfather used to say 1 hour of sleep before midnight was worth 2 after.  I am not sure what that means, but have gotten to the point where getting to bed an hour before midnight is a good thing, because no matter what time I go to sleep, I know that come 5:00 (during the week), my clock radio (yes, I still have one) will be waking me up.

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